High quality products supplying upon different markets/quality standards within procedures & measures applying. Reasonable & competitive prices which are generated as a result of economy of scale we achieved for years, our major customers are regularly receiving a periodic featured price list of available items / format based on consideration of market competition orientation strategy, categorized upon distinction of markets criteria a and customer requirements.
Through our effective performance and experience gained from diverse markets armed with featured strategy of maintaining long term business relationships with customers as a major objective, allowed the company sales staff to apply for Different Orders Execution Procedures. Such procedures which seek to secure our customers by achieving the minimum level of risk within supplying process by offering multiple execution procedures for orders.
Order Fulfillment Efficiency is one of our main indicators highly considered in order to enhance our service; we regularly analyze our performance with respect to percentage achieved annually with heavily consideration of customers feedback.
We pay much attention to all factors could support quality assurance achieving by using HACCAP plans of Food Safety Management supported with professional allocation of machinery processing and high caliber labor. It's applied for whole chain of production process starting with, farming, drying, sorting, processing, sampling, storing, analysis, packaging,handling and shipping.
Deutsch : Fenchelsaat, French : Semences de Fenouil, Latin : Fructus foeniculi
Peppermint Deutsch : Pfefferminze , French : Menthe Poiveree , Latin : Mentha piperita L.
Deutsch : Majoran , French : Marjolaine , Latin : Majorana hortensis L
Deutsch : Ringelblumen , French : Souci Fleur , Latin : Calendulae officinalis L.
Deutsch : Kamillenblueten , French : Fleurs de Camomille , Latin : Matrcaria chamomilla L.
Deutsch : Zitronengras, French : Citronnelle , Latin :Origanum sp.
Deutsch : Sesame, French : Sesame , Latin :Sesamum indicum
Deutsch : Krauseminze , French : Menthe Verte , Latin : Menthae crispa L.
Hibiscus Flowers Deutsch : Hibiscusblueten , French : Fleurs de Hibiscus , Latin : Flores hibisci sabdarifa
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